Spiderclam's den
Hello and welcome! Browse around my work in progress. This website is going to be whatever I
feel like it should be. This paragraph is very long and that's not an accident, it's actually on
purpose. The reason it's this long is because I want to figure out if the vertical spacing of
the headers still looks as bad when the paragraphs below it are longer. I feel like that might
somehow make a difference but there's only one way to find out. And sure, I could get myself a
nice lorem ipsum, but where's the fun in that?
What is a spiderclam?
You ask too many questions. In any case, a lot of people have trouble spelling my name
(Overdijk) so I picked this as a nickname. Also Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur
adipisicing elit. Suscipit adipisci, ipsam quos consequuntur hic eveniet at obcaecati explicabo
ratione ipsa sed sint, cupiditate quis aliquam velit rem culpa nesciunt facere.
Latest blog posts
Apple Watch app: WristDeck
Actually, I built the app roughly a year ago, but I realized I didn’t write about it anywhere. Since I often share my website for job applications and portfolio purposes, I thought it’s high time I share this project too. Many things I work on end...
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→ Why can't I bevel?
This is a question I had to ask myself too many times and every time it makes me feel dumb.
So I’m messing around in blender, minding my own business and then suddenly I find myself trying to bevel an edge, and it just won’t work.
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→ TypeScript enum to union
TIL you can make a union type for TypeScript enums by just… Interpolating it. I’m probably the last one to find out, but in case I’m not, check this example.
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