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Apple Watch app: WristDeck

2 min read

Actually, I built the app roughly a year ago, but I realized I didn’t write about it anywhere. Since I often share my website for job applications and portfolio purposes, I thought it’s high time I share this project too. Many things I work on end...

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Why can't I bevel?

1 min read

This is a question I had to ask myself too many times and every time it makes me feel dumb. So I’m messing around in blender, minding my own business and then suddenly I find myself trying to bevel an edge, and it just won’t work.

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TypeScript enum to union

1 min read

TIL you can make a union type for TypeScript enums by just… Interpolating it. I’m probably the last one to find out, but in case I’m not, check this example.

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I made a song

1 min read

Actually, I made a song a bit over a year ago. And then I took it too far with the visualizations because my inner geek took over. What happened is that after writing, playing and recording the song I wasn’t done yet. I wanted to go further and so...

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Distance between vectors

1 min read

This is the second installment of “stuff I wrote before but I really want to have on my own website”. I wrote this in 2020 and I still find it useful to refresh my memory every now and then. I’m no math man, so don’t @ me. Unity has some cool...

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Unity Vector3.Dot, what?

3 min read

This is the first installment of “stuff I wrote before but I really want to have on my own website”. I wrote this in 2020 and I still find it useful to refresh my memory every now and then. The Vector3.Dot() function returns the dot product of two...

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Simple complex numbers

3 min read

For a recent project I’ve found myself having to use complex numbers since the formula I relied on uses them. The only problem was that I had no idea what a complex number is (feel free to shame me). I started looking for explanations and...

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iOS sim record touches

1 min read

This is a very short, but very useful tip. When recording a video using a simulator you can enable the recording of touches to make the video visually easier to read.

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Hello world

3 min read

This is the first blog post of the rest of your life. And mine. And blogs. Who cares, this is a placeholder. I’m just writing this to have something on here. Why? Because an empty website looks silly. So for that reason I’ll just showcase some...

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